Tag Archives: theatreoffjackson

ON SALE NOW: Improvised Trek Summer 2017

Tickets are NOW ON SALE for the return of Where No Man Has Gone Before to Theatre Off Jackson July 13 – 22. Click here to buy advance tickets (Brown Paper Tickets) and save $4 off door prices!

Where No Man Has Gone Before – Seattle Experimental Theater’s hit improvised parody of the original Star Trek TV series – is returning to Theatre Off Jackson in July 2017 for a two week run! Join the crew of the enterprise as they encounter a mysterious ship in space and beam aboard its crew (defined by audience suggestion). But are the alien visitors friend or foe? Tensions rise on the Enterprise as the crew and ship are put in unforeseen danger. At every performance, the cast will use suggestions from the audience to create a brand new episode. Each performance is a completely original adventure. Produced by Seattle Experimental Theater, in association with Theatre Off Jackson.


Where No Man Has Gone Before
July 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, and 22, 2017 (Thurs/Fri/Sat)
Doors 7:30pm. Curtain at 8pm. Ages 8+


Theatre Off Jackson
409 7th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98104
ADA accessible venue


General Admission: $21 online / $25 at the door
Kids 12 and under: $16 online / $20 at the door
Purchase advance tickets securely online at Brown Paper Tickets

About the Show

Where No Man Has Gone Before has played at various Seattle venues, receiving popular and critical acclaim. It has been featured in the Hawaii Improvaganza Festival (2012), The Seattle Festival of Improv Theater (2012, 2014), Geek Girl Con, and at Emerald City Comiccon (2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017). As seen on King 5’s Evening Magazine in 2016.

Where No Man Has Gone Before is directed by Jeannine Clarke.

The cast of Where No Man Has Gone Before is Tony Beeman, Colin Madison, Cheryl Platz, Wayne Pishue, Jekeva Phillips, Nicholas Schell, Sarah Scheller and Douglas Willott.

July 2017: Where No Man… Returns to TOJ!

Where No Man Has Gone Before: our hit improvised space parody RETURNS to Theatre Off Jackson for 6 performances in July 2017!


July 13, 14, 15, 20, 21 & 22 at 8pm
Tickets $20 online, $25 at the door.


Theatre Off Jackson
409 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104

About Where No Man Has Gone Before

Where No Man Has Gone Before, Seattle Experimental Theater’s hit improvised parody of the original Star Trek TV series, is returning to Theatre Off Jackson in July for a two week run. Join the crew of the Enterprise as they encounter a mysterious ship in space and beam aboard its crew (defined by audience suggestions). But are the alien visitors friend or foe? Tensions rise on the Enterprise as the crew and ship are put in unforeseen danger.
At every performance, the cast will use suggestions from the audience to create a brand new episode. Each performance is a completely original adventure.

Where No Man Has Gone Before premiered in 2011 and has since appeared before packed houses in a wide variety of Seattle venues, receiving popular and critical acclaim. The production has been featured in the Hawaii Improvaganza Festival (2012), Seattle Festival of Improv Theater, Geek Girl Con, and at Emerald City Comicon (2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017).

Cast & Crew

Directed by Jeannine Clarke. Produced by Jeannine Clarke and Samantha Hecker.
Featuring (alphabetical order): Tony Beeman, Colin Madison, Cheryl Platz, Wayne Pishue, Jekeva Phillips, Nicholas Schell, Sarah Scheller and Douglas Willott. Technical improvisation by Oliver Trimble.

AUDITIONS: As You Wish (Coming February 2017)

Audition Announcement for Seattle Experimental Theater’s production of As You Wish

Seattle Experimental Theater will be holding auditions November 6, 2016 from 12pm to 4pm for its latest original improv show, As You Wish, an improvised parody inspired by The Princess Bride. The show is directed by Paul Levy.


February 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and a special Valentine’s Day Performance February 14th at 8pm at the Theatre Off Jackson.


Saturdays and Sundays January 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, & 28 in Seattle.
Tech dates are January 29, and two of the three days between January 30-February 1st.


Improvisers will receive a $70 stipend ($10 a show) for participation in this production.

Auditions will be one day only, on November 6, from 12pm-4pm in Seattle. For an audition spot, please email Samantha.Hecker@seattleexperimentaltheater.com with your name, resume and headshot. Please plan to stay for the entire four hours. The time will be broken up into explanation of the show, auditions and callbacks.


As You Wish is supported by a small cast of improvisers that are willing to take risks, play, and ultimately have fun together telling a love story. The cast requires improvisers that are light, playful, and comfortable breaking the rules and inviting the audience along the journey with them – the fourth wall is there to be broken. The As You Wish ensemble cast each has a main role, but will also be used to play supporting characters. Below are the main roles in the show and what is required for each of them.


The Master of Dance (Male/Female)
Seeking revenge for something in the past this accented character is a master of dance and will stop at nothing to avenge the wrong doing of the past. Male or female role, this role requires someone passionate about improvising character accents and improvised dance styles.

The Best Rhymer (Male/Female)
This oddly shaped character won a prize in school for the best rhyming skills. To this day, the Best Rhymer continues to entertain large crowds no matter the style: musical, rap, Dr. Seuss, even Shakespearean verse. Male or female role, this role requires someone passionate about rhyming.

The Only Person Who Dies In The Show (Male/Female)
Master of nothing but full of great ideas, The Only Person Who Dies In The Show is very good at big dramatic deaths. Male or female role this role requires someone who is over dramatic.

The Girl (Female)
Full of heart, The Girl brings heart to the show. She is smart, charming, and wears her heart on a sleeve. This improviser must be comfortable falling in love on stage.

The Boy (Boy)
Full of heart, The Boy is excellent at many things but notably: dancing, rhyming, and loving. Male role, this role requires an improviser who is very comfortable dancing, rhyming, and falling in love.

The Torturer (Male/Female)
About as evil as it gets, The Torturer enjoys others misery. Male or female role, this role requires an improviser who is comfortably being a terrible person.

The Prince (Male)
The Prince is really good a wishing for things that are ridiculous. Focused primarily on himself, The Prince will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Male role, this role requires an improviser who is comfortable caring only about himself and his wants.

The Unemployed Miracle Worker (Male/Female)
Full of delight, energy, and charm The Unemployed Miracle Worker is great at singing and can make even the most depressing of situations come to life. Male or female role, this role requires an improviser who is full of charm, singing, and great at working an audience.


Press Photos: “Where No Man Has Gone Before” 2016

This gallery contains 8 photos.

We had a fantastic first week of performances last week for “Where No Man Has Gone Before” – only 3 more chances left to see this 5th anniversary production! (Save $5 off of door prices with advance tickets on Brown Paper … Continue reading

OPENS THIS WEEK: Where No Man Has Gone Before

Tickets are selling quickly for our 5th anniversary run of SET’s hit improvised parody of Star Trek, Where No Man Has Gone Before. Join us as your favorite characters and actors return to the bridge of the Enterprise for their only journey in 2016. Secure your own spot on the bridge before it’s too late!


June 9, 10 & 11; June 16, 17 & 18
Thursdays through Saturdays
All shows at 8PM


Ticket_PicAdvance tickets $20 adults, $15 under 12 at Brown Paper Tickets
Tickets at the door are $25 adults, $20 under 12


Theatre Off Jackson
409 7th Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98104


This fully improvised parody of the original Star Trek TV series has been entertaining packed Seattle houses since June 2011. During each performance, the cast uses suggestions from the audience to create an entirely original episode. Our 5th anniversary run will feature our rare “Space Madness” episode theme, which hasn’t been seen since 2012!

Where No Man Has Gone Before opened in June 2011 at Seattle’s Eclectic Theater. Since then, the production has appeared at venues all over the Seattle area, including Theatre Off Jackson, Emerald City ComicCon 2012-2015; Jet City Improv, Ethnic Cultural Theater; and the Jewel Box Theater. The production is also a multiple-year selection for the Seattle Festival of Improv Theater and also a selection for the Hawaii Improvaganza in 2012.


  • Director/Creator: Jeannine Clarke
  • Production: Samantha Hecker
  • Lighting and Sound Design: Oliver Trimble
  • Cast: Nicholas Schell, Douglas Willott, Tony Beeman, Cheryl Platz, Wayne Pishue, Colin Madison, Jekeva Phillips, Sarah Scheller