The Doctor is a world-premiere improvised parody of the perennial Doctor Who series, from the creators of Seattle hit shows “Where No Man Has Gone Before” and “Wedding Horror Stories”.
About the show:
Seattle Experimental Theater invites you to control the time machine with its newest show The Doctor.
The Doctor is a completely unscripted time traveling comedy. Every performance the cast will get suggestions from the audience that they will then use to create the time, location and plot of the show. Every performance promises to be unique, fun and family friendly.
In addition to being improvised every night, The Doctor incorporates ongoing story elements, including occasional cliffhanger endings.
Cast and Crew
The Doctor is created by Jeannine Clarke, Sam Hecker and Tony Beeman. It is directed by Jeannine Clarke, director of the hit Star Trek parody, Where No Man Has Gone Before and Wedding Horror Stories.
The Doctor is played by Tony Beeman. The current cast of The Doctor is Elizabeth Brammer, Lauren Bond, Ashley Flannegan Russell, Jana Hutchison, Wayne Pishue, Sarah Scheller, Greg Stackhouse, and Dan Posluns as “The Master”. Alumni of “The Doctor” cast includes Colin Madison.
Performance History
- Emerald City ComicCon 2015
- September 11-14, 2014 / Theatre Off Jackson
- Emerald City ComicCon 2014
- January 17-26, 2014 / Theatre Off Jackson