Category Archives: Photos

NEW SHOW: “As You Wish” (February 2017)

20161129-_65a7039-2Seattle Experimental Theater is excited to reveal the first show in our 2017 season! As You Wish is a world premiere improvised parody inspired by the world of the cult classic book/film “The Princess Bride”.


February 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and a special Valentine’s Day Performance February 14th.
All performances at 8PM.
Tickets coming soon!


As You Wish will be performed at (and in partnership with) Theatre Off Jackson in Seattle’s International District.


As You Wish is supported by a small cast of improvisers that are willing to take risks, play, and ultimately have fun together telling a timeless love story fraught with notable perils. The production features improvisers that are light, playful, and comfortable breaking the rules and inviting the audience along the journey with them – the fourth wall is there to be broken.


Directed and created by Paul Levy (Where No Man Has Gone Before).
The cast features Marc Guy (The Journal), Amalia Larson, Ryan Miller, Christine Riippi (Wedding Horror Stories, The Wolf and the Witch), Jessica Robins, Jaclyn Schuenzel, Kayla Teel, and John Wachter.


PHOTOS: Time’s Arrow

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Production photos from Time’s Arrow (2016). People pass through. Spaces remain. A world premiere improvised play debuting Oct 13-22 at the Ballard Underground in Seattle. Tickets available at


Press Photos: “Where No Man Has Gone Before” 2016

This gallery contains 8 photos.

We had a fantastic first week of performances last week for “Where No Man Has Gone Before” – only 3 more chances left to see this 5th anniversary production! (Save $5 off of door prices with advance tickets on Brown Paper … Continue reading

Downloadable Valentine’s Day Cards for 2013!

Per our annual tradition, Seattle Experimental Theater is happy to provide another year of free Valentines featuring the cast of our hit Star Trek improvised parody, Where No Man Has Gone Before. Happy Valentine’s Day to all our fans!

Ponn Farr Valentine:


NEW! Bonus valentine…

Or download the PDF. (3″ x 5″)

Red Shirt Valentine:

V-Day Unified

Or download the PDF. (3″ x 5″)

Photo credit for Red Shirt Valentine: Todd Gardiner of Hieroglyph Photography.

For last year’s Valentine, check out this post.


Performance Stills: Where No Man Has Gone Before (June 30 2011)

This gallery contains 34 photos.

Photos from our June 30, 2011 performance of Where No Man Has Gone Before. Odd Duck Studio, Seattle, WA. Photography by Todd Gardiner of Thebes-Inc Photography. (The audience suggestion that night for object of alien worship was “chocolate bunny”.)